Happy Thanksgiving to all our American friends! And Happy Holiday Season to our international friends!
With the holiday season upon us once again, many adults with ADHD are no doubt feeling the stress. This time of year can be one of the most stressful and overwhelming for many of us.
So I encourage you to take a few moments to review these tips for managing your ADHD during Thanksgiving (or any holiday) to ensure that your day is a HAPPY one, and not just a stressful one!
1. Know Your Own ADD and Plan Ahead to Deal with It
You know yourself better than anyone, so ask yourself "How does my ADHD affect me on the holidays?" Make a list of all the things that tend to stress you out, and make a plan to deal with them.
Here are a few examples:
- Do you tend to say impulsive things that you later regret? Plan to take a deep breath before answering ANY questions so that you can think about your words before you speak them.
- Do hyper kids or too many people overwhelm you? Plan to excuse yourself and take a brief walk when things start feeling chaotic.
- Does a family member really make you mad when s/he starts nagging or becomes critical? Plan a simple response that won't fuel the fire, and shift the conversation back to the other person, like "I'm sorry you feel that way. So is there anything interesting going on at work?"
- Do you get antsy after a long day? Plan to end the day early, so that you don't reach the point of irritability.
2. Don't Expect Perfection
Accept that the day won't be perfect. Nothing is! Whether you're hosting the holiday, staying with family, or visiting a restaurant, realize that something is bound to go wrong. That's life. Don't hold it against yourself, or the people around you. Whatever it is, do your best to move on and let it go.
3. Ask For and Accept Help
Whatever your role is this holiday, you don't have to do it all on your own. If you're hosting the holiday, ask for help in the kitchen. This is perfectly acceptable, and most people are happy to help out where they can. If you're offered help, accept it with gratitude!
4. Remember That People Do The Best They Can
Long days with family members often end in frustration and hurt feelings. Try to remember that people do the best they can with the skills and tools they have. Hurtful comments probably aren't meant to be hurtful. Don't hold it against friends and family members who may not have the necessary skills to express themselves effectively.
5. Smile!
Set the tone for those around you by being positive, smiling often, and enjoying yourself!
And believe me, I take my own advice! Every year on the car ride over to my parents' house, we review these strategies and plan ahead for stress. Do yourself a favor and prepare in advance to manage your stress, and your ADHD, on this Thanksgiving holiday. It's the only way to truly have a HAPPY Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving - Black Friday - Cyber Monday Sale!
Earlier this month I lead a guest teleseminar on "Overcoming Overwhelm" during which I briefly mentioned the Home Study Coaching Program that goes with my book, Odd One Out: The Maverick's Guide to Adult ADD. To my amazement, the home study programs started flying off the shelves after the class! Clearly, this program struck a nerve. So what better thing to offer a sale on for Thanksgiving - Black Friday - Cyber Monday?
If you order the home study program by 11:59pm on Monday November 28th, you'll save $50 - that's 25% off!
I've been coaching adults with ADHD--from CEOs to stay-at-home parents--for almost 10 years. I'm one of the few ADHD coaches who's been designated a 'Senior Certified AD/HD Coach.' I've been featured on The Today Show, in The New York Times, and various international media outlets. I'm also the Director of the Virtual AD/HD Conference, a major industry event. And I'm an adult who lives and thrives with ADHD. When it comes to adult ADHD, I know my stuff.
I created a home study program that will coach you to:
- Embrace your inner maverick
- Break the cycle of chronic stress, overwhelm, and burnout
- Learn how to accept and work with your own ADD
- Focus on your strengths and think more positively
- Take control of your space, time, and tasks
- Give yourself permission to live out loud!
The Odd One Out Home Study Coaching Program allows me to be your personal ADHD coach from afar, and it's the next best thing to working with me privately. It features 3 audio CDs, a 90+ page workbook, and a goal setting action guide. I walk you through each chapter in the book and show you exactly what it takes to build and apply each of the 5 Essential Skills for Managing Adult ADHD.
Life with adult ADD really doesn't have to be so hard. You're not stuck living a life of stress and disappointment. I've coached hundreds of adults to embrace their inner maverick and live happy and successful lives.
You can absolutely take control over your ADD and turn things around! And I can help you do it with the Odd One Out Home Study Coaching Program.
And by the way, I stand behind this program all the way. That's why I offer a 90-day, money-back guarantee. Try the program for 90 days. If it's not helping or not what you wanted, then simply return it to us in reusable condition for a full refund. It's that simple.
Sale Price: $177 + S&H
Plus an additional $30 off when you use the coupon code TURKEY! Expires Monday November 28th at 11:59pm EST. (Save a total of $50!)
* * *
P.S. Remember, the holidays don't have to be stressful. Plan ahead to manage your stress, and your ADHD!
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