But I think that the subtitle of my book is the thing that best sums up my ADD coaching philosophy: How to Be Happy and Successful by Breaking the Rules. When it comes down to it, this is the sentiment behind everything I do--whether I'm coaching, producing events, or just living my life.
You see, I'm a rule breaker. But I wasn't always. And when I woke up and realized how much easier my life was when I ignored "the rules," everything changed. Not only did I become much happier, but my ADD wasn't nearly as much of a problem as it used to be!
Now let me be clear. When I talk about "breaking the rules," I don't mean breaking the law. I'm talking about breaking the unwritten personal and social rules that we hold ourselves to, and that hold us back in life.
In theory, it's pretty simple. In practice, it's a whole lot more difficult. Think about this...
- If you were feeling antsy in a meeting at work, would you be afraid to stand up and move around...even if everyone else was seated? "The rules" say that you have to sit still and be quiet, just like everyone else.
- When you're under a lot of stress and a family member calls you up and asks you for a favor, are you afraid to say 'no'? Even if you feel like one more straw will break your back?? "The rules" dictate that you always say 'yes' to family.
- Do you share your opinions and speak your mind, even when everyone else in the room appears to disagree with you? "The rules" say that if everyone else disagrees, you must be wrong. And that little voice in the back of your head tells you to just shut up before you embarrass yourself.
In general, do you beat yourself up because your home isn't clean enough, your desk isn't neat enough, your work isn't fast enough, your body isn't buff enough, and your best isn't good enough? The crazy thing is that so many adults with ADD make themselves miserable trying to desperately adhere to "the rules."
But I'm here to tell you that the single biggest mistake I see adults with ADD make is that they cling to these unwritten "rules." I've seen it crush the life out of the most good-hearted ADDer. I've seen some really great people lose their drive, their passion, and their motivation because they can't keep up with all the rules they push themselves to follow. They feel like they're going crazy. And the real kicker is that no one even knows who came up with these rules we all feel compelled to follow, anyway!
Oh, and yes, I did say "crazy" in the last two paragraphs. I might take some heat for that, because someone somewhere will be offended that I equated having ADD with feeling crazy. But I really do think that we drive ourselves crazy sometimes! And I'm including myself in there, too.
In fact, if you feel like you're going crazy sometimes because you can't seem to keep it all together despite your best efforts, then you're one of the people I had in mind when I created the agenda for this free teleclass.
Because I've also seen people who have gotten a hold of their ADD challenges and turned their lives around by embracing their inner maverick and letting go of those oppressive rules.
Let me say, however, that the Unleash Your Inner Maverick teleclass is not for everyone. If you've been reading this letter and it hasn't really moved you at all, then let me be the first one to tell you that you can skip this teleclass. And I won't be offended. One thing I've learned in my many years as a coach is that not every coach will click with every person. There are some people my words really resonate with and, if you're one of them, then you'll want to attend. (And if not, then no worries.)
Another thing I've learned in my many years as a coach is that there are a lot of people out there who will invite you to a teleclass and then spend 60 minutes trying to sell you a product. If you know me, then you know that's not my style.
In the spirit of transparency, I will tell you up front that I'm launching a new coaching program on this topic next month, and I'll be spending a few minutes at the end of the class to share some details about it. If you don't care about that, you can just hang up early.
However, the new coaching program will not be the focus of the teleclass. A frank discussion about what it takes to be an ADD maverick will be the focus of our 60 minutes together. I'll be walking you through:
- Why your health, happiness, and success DEPEND on your being a rule breaker and maverick ADDer.
- Why it's so important to break the cycle of overwhelm, work with your ADD, adjust your attitude, take control of your space and time, and live out loud. <-- These are the action-oriented chapters of my book.
- How you can turn your ADD around so that it becomes a GIFT, and not a curse.
Okay, enough talking! I have a teleclass to prepare for so I won't keep you any longer! If you'd like to join us, then here are the details:
Unleash Your Inner Maverick: Learn How to Be Happy and Successful by Breaking the Rules
This is a FREE coaching teleclass!
Date: Wednesday February 17, 2010
Time: 8pm-9pm EST (Not on EST? Get your local time here.)
Note: Don't worry if you can't attend live. Everyone who is registered will receive an email with the teleclass recording.To Register: Visit http://www.addmanagement.com/coaching/mavericks.html
Or, just send a blank email to: [email protected]
You'll receive an email in return with everything you need to attend the class by phone or by webcast.
If you're looking forward to this teleclass and want to share your thoughts, or if you have something specific that you'd like to request I cover on the call, then I want to hear from you in the comments section of this post!
I'm tired of this life-with-ADD-sucks attitude that I see so often. Let's start a maverick revolution--together!
"See" you next week at the Unleash Your Inner Maverick free teleclass!
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